2023 SREC EL Conference
Nov 15, 2023—Nov 18, 2023

The 2023 SREC EL Conference begins with a welcome dinner on Wednesday, November 15, followed by two days of programming and networking with fellow SREC EL members and industry leaders. Highlights are a keynote by Prologis Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO Hamid Moghadam (MBA ’80), and an insider’s view of Stanford by SAA President Howard Wolf (’80), and lunch with the SREC membership. Other activities include a workshop on becoming a better manager, a pitch competition with Stanford-affiliated real estate startups, and guided networking sessions to meet fellow members. Members are also invited to celebrate the illustrious real estate careers of Ken Woolley (MBA ’71, PhD ’71) and Brad Geier (’79) as they are inducted into the Stanford Real Estate Hall of Fame over cocktails and dinner at the nearby Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club.