SPIRE Newsletter

Dear SPIRE Community,
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. I wanted to touch on a few SPIRE highlights from the latter half of 2023. The Stanford Real Estate Hall of Fame Banquet in November honored Stanford alums and industry luminaries Brad Geier and Ken Woolley. And, thanks to their incredible generosity and that of their families, friends, and colleagues, SPIRE raised $420,000 for the Stanford Student Impact Fund (SSIF), which now has a fund balance of $600,000, more than halfway to SPIRE’s $1 million fundraising goal! And a special, warm thanks to Malin Burnham who surprised us with his very generous gift as the evening wound down.
Also in November, SPIRE’s new membership cohort – SREC EL (Stanford Alumni Real Estate Council Emerging Leaders) – met on campus for its first time for three days of networking, professional development, and fun. There were several joint sessions with the SREC and SREC EL, including the keynote by Stanford alum and industry leader Hamid Moghadam and Howard Wolf’s View from the Top (of Stanford). Based on the noise level in McCaw Hall, the two SREC groups were making the most of their networking time at Thursday’s lunch.
And last, but not least, we want to thank SPIRE’s departing Board Members – Loryn Arkow, Gary Beasley, Wayne Brandt and Travis Duncan – for their vision, passion, leadership and service. Thankfully, we’ll remain in touch through SPIRE and Stanford!
SPIRE is off to a fast start in 2024 with the announcement that the student application for the Stanford Student Impact Fundis available. In 2023, SPIRE funded nine SSIF student grants totaling $51,000, ranging from an internship stipend for a NYC research project to early venture funding for various platforms using AI for the real estate / built environment industries.
More information is below so please continue reading. As always, the SPIRE Board and Staff thank you for your engagement and support!
Lauren Barley ’82
SPIRE Executive Director
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