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  • Preferred Name: Marcello

    Last Name: Porcelli

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MA '97)

    Job Title: Chief Executive Officer

    Company Name: LargaVista Companies

    Phone: 646 - 612-7302


    Bio: LargaVista Companies is a NYC-based 2nd-gen real estate development, investment, and management firm. Marcello directs all strategic planning, business development, operations, and government affairs and has managed $1.5B in real estate investment in the commercial, residential, industrial and hospitality sectors. Prior to joining LargaVista, he was a partner at a Wall Street trading firm and holds an MBA from Stanford (‘97) and a BA in economics from Duke (‘92). He supports the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, along with many other causes and served on Duke University's task force for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.