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  • Preferred Name: Mitch

    Last Name: Pleis

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('79)

    Job Title: Retired Director of Real Estate/Portfolio Manager

    Company Name: California State Teachers Retirement System

    Phone: 916 - 955-0587


    Bio: Mr. Pleis was the Director of Real Estate at CalSTRS in the late 1990’s and returned to CalSTRS in 2018 to overseeing the debt investment portfolio, credit facility lending program and various real estate operating company relationships. Pleis has 40 years of institutional real estate investment management. His experience includes real estate development, structured financing, asset and portfolio management for multiple property types and locations across the US. Pleis was also a managing director for Principal Global Investors from 2003 - 2010, where he provided both marketing and client relationship oversight as well as portfolio management services. In 2013, Mitch served as the Athletic Director and Campus Development Director at William Jessup University where he oversaw the development of new student housing projects as well as growing the sports programs at the University. Pleis currently serves as an advisory board member for Dermody Properties and IHP. He graduated with a BA from Stanford University.