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  • Preferred Name: Brian

    Last Name: Klinksiek

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('04)

    Job Title: Global Head of Research & Strategy

    Company Name: LaSalle Investment Management

    Phone: 312 - 420-9763


    Bio: Brian is Global Head of Research & Strategy and is responsible for LaSalle’s global strategic outlook. He manages the global strategy team, oversees the firm’s investment risk management and climate strategy functions, and is editor-in-chief of the ISA thought leadership suite. He works closely with the firm’s global clients in developing and implementing comprehensive, global investment strategies. Brian also leads the expansion and enhancement of LaSalle’s global analytical tools and supports the firm’s capital raising activities. Prior to joining LaSalle, Mr. Klinksiek held various research and strategy leadership roles at Heitman, with diverse experience across a wide range of markets and property sectors in Europe, North America and Asia, having been based in Hong Kong, London and Chicago. Brian holds a BA with honors and distinction from Stanford University, and an MBA with high honors from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. He is a dual US and UK national.