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  • Preferred Name: Patrick

    Last Name: Orosco

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('98)

    Job Title: Co-Managing Partner

    Company Name: The Orosco Group

    Phone: 831 - 649-0220


    Bio: Patrick is a co-managing partner of The Orosco Group, a private, second generation real estate investment firm that targets distressed, value-add, and ground-up projects nationwide. He is a Founding Board Member and ex-officio Vice President of SPIRE, and currently serves as Board Member Emeritus. The Orosco Group's core geographic focus is on the Central Coast and Central Valley of California where it has acquired or developed multi-family, mixed use, retail, office, R&D, industrial, self-storage, hospitality and specialty assets ranging in size from 10,000 s.f. to over 1mm s.f. The company typically targets opportunistic acquisitions in CRE assets requiring reinvestment or repositioning to achieve stabilization. Patrick has served on multiple land use advisory, arts, and childhood development boards and committees within Monterey County. Patrick received a BA degree from Stanford in Urban Studies with emphases in social psychology and the built environment and now guest lectures within the department.