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  • Preferred Name: Craig

    Last Name: Blanchard

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '02)

    Job Title: Managing Partner

    Company Name: The Wolff Company

    Phone: 650 - 926-0510


    Bio: Craig Blanchard is a Managing Partner at The Wolff Company. He joined The Wolff Company in 2022 after partnering with Wolff for more than ten years. Prior to Wolff, he was a Managing Director at Makena Capital Management where he was responsible for the real assets portfolio and served on investment and management committees. Before Makena, Craig was a Managing Director at the Stanford Management Company where he oversaw the real estate portfolio and served on investment committee. Craig was also a Principal at the Townsend Group and Head of Special Situations. He earned an M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a B.A., with highest honors, from the University of California, Santa Barbara.