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  • Preferred Name: Howard

    Last Name: Wolf

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('80)

    Job Title: Vice President for Alumni Affairs - Stanford University, President of the Stanford Alumni Association

    Company Name: Stanford University

    Phone: 650 - 724-5992


    Bio: Howard Wolf, who has led the Stanford Alumni Association and its staff since 2001, earned his bachelor's degree in psychology, with distinction, from Stanford in 1980 and his MBA from Harvard in 1985. Before his appointment as Vice President for Alumni Affairs and President, Stanford Alumni Association, he worked as both an entrepreneur and business manager in the publishing and commercial real estate development and management industries. An active alum and volunteer, as well as an avid Stanford athletics fan, he received the Stanford Associates Outstanding Achievement Award in 2000. In addition to his Alumni Association role, Howard is one of ten officers of the University and part of its senior management team, with particular responsibility for advising the University's President and the Provost on alumni affairs.