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  • Preferred Name: Cathy

    Last Name: Greenwold

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MS '89)

    Job Title: Senior Advisor

    Company Name: TMG Partners

    Phone: 415 - 772-5900


    Bio: Cathy Greenwold, Senior Advisor joined TMG in 1992. Cathy has been responsible for expanding the company's portfolio through strategic acquisition of projects with particular emphasis on development opportunities and value enhancement. Cathy has managed over $2.7 billion in project financing and development activity for TMG. She has over 40 years of real estate and finance experience. As Senior Advisor, she will focus on specific ad hoc projects in finance and development. She earned her bachelor's degree at UCLA and master's degree as a Sloan Fellow at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She is a licensed California real estate broker. She serves of the Board of Partners in Oakland Education, a non-profit serving the needs of students and families in West Oakland.