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  • Preferred Name: Brian

    Last Name: Heafey

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('90)

    Job Title: Partner

    Company Name: PCCP, LLC

    Phone: 415 - 309-4168


    Bio: Brian is a Partner at PCCP responsible for the management of PCCP's debt platform, which includes implementation of fund and individual client strategies as well as portfolio management. Brian earned his bachelor's degree from Stanford University. He is a former Trustee of St. Ignatius College Preparatory, a former director of St. Rose Court, a low-income, non-profit housing community, and a past director of the Guardsmen, a San-Francisco based charity for at-risk youth and he and his family raise service dogs for Canine Companions ( He is a member of the Urban Land Institute and Stanford Professionals in Real Estate (SPIRE).