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  • Preferred Name: Hector

    Last Name: Calderon

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('01)

    Job Title: Chief Executive Officer

    Company Name: The John Pritzker Family Group

    Phone: 415 - 694-5838


    Bio: Mr. Calderon is the CEO of the John Pritzker Family Group (JPFG). JPFG invests globally in fixed income, equities, hedge funds, private equity and real assets both directly and through outside managers. Previously, he was the Chief Investment Officer and Partner of Geolo Capital, the real estate private equity arm of JPFG. At Geolo he oversaw the investment team and directed overall strategy for the portfolio. Prior to Geolo, Mr. Calderon was a Managing Director at Encore Capital Management where he was a member of the Investment Committee. While at Encore he led an investment team focused on real estate investments in the Western US. Prior to his career in real estate private equity he was an investment banker at JMP Securities and in the M&A group at Thomas Weisel Partners. He is a member of the Policy Advisory Board for The Fisher Center at UC Berkeley and holds an AB in economics from Stanford.