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  • Preferred Name: Mark

    Last Name: MacDonald

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('93, MS '07)

    Job Title: Co-Founder & CEO

    Company Name: DM Development

    Phone: 415 - 385-9737


    Bio: Mr. MacDonald is Co-Founder and CEO of DM Development. Combining his passion for architectural design and real estate development, Mark founded DM Development in 2010 to create exceptionally designed urban infill properties that revitalize communities and promote sustainable development. Mark is actively involved in all phases of the development process with an emphasis on acquisitions, underwriting, finance, design, marketing and sales. Mark is an active member of the Urban Land Institute, SPUR and the San Francisco Housing Action Coalition, and he has been a featured speaker at numerous local and regional real estate industry events, including the San Francisco ULI Residential Local Product Council, the Fisher Center Annual Real Estate & Economics Symposium, the Marcus & Millichap Multifamily Forum, the Northern California Apartment Summit, and the Bisnow Residential Summit. Mark received a BS in Computer Systems Engineering with Distinction from Stanford and a MS in Management from the Stanford GSB.