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  • Preferred Name: Connor

    Last Name: Kidd

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('03, MBA '08)

    Job Title: President & CEO

    Company Name: The Swig Company

    Phone: 415 - 291-1132


    Bio: Connor Kidd is President and CEO of The Swig Company. Connor has more than a decade of institutional commercial real estate experience in Investments and Asset Management. Connor joined The Swig Company in 2009 with the Investments Team and led the Asset Management team starting in January 2019. Over the course of his career, Connor has participated as a principal in transactions of over $5 billion dollars of value and comprising over 6 million square feet and over 500 multifamily units. Prior to joining The Swig Company, Connor held real estate positions at Hunter Properties, AMB Properties (now Prologis) and North Star Realty Finance. Connor began his career as a consultant at Accenture. Connor has a Bachelor’s of Science and an MBA from Stanford University.