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  • Preferred Name: Josh

    Last Name: Stech

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('08, MA '09)

    Job Title: Co-Founder & CEO

    Company Name: Sundae

    Phone: 858 - 945-1393


    Bio: Josh started Sundae to help homeowners get a better outcome when selling off-market. With a career at the intersection of technology and residential real estate, he's seen firsthand the opportunity to create a new type of business that wins by doing the right thing for the seller. Since founding Sundae in late 2018, $135M of venture capital has been raised. Prior, he was Founding Partner and SVP of Sales at LendingHome, an online mortgage bank specializing in short-term residential bridge loans. He helped the company outperform veteran business in LendingHome's category as the company scaled to 350 employees and $150M in venture funding. He was Co-Founder and CFO of Purpose Built Investments, a residential real estate private equity firm. Josh launched 3 investment funds for the company focused on buying, renovating, and selling houses as well as bridge lending, executing more than 1,200 transactions. He graduated with honors from Stanford with a BA in Economics, Spanish, and MA in Latin American Studies.