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  • Preferred Name: Mark

    Last Name: Zytko

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('89)

    Job Title: Senior Advisor

    Company Name: Mesa West Capital

    Phone: 310 - 500-5959


    Bio: Mark is a co-founder of Mesa West Capital, a real estate investment management platform focused on commercial real estate credit investments. Prior to co-founding Mesa West in 2004, his experiences in commercial real estate investment and finance included: Credit Suisse First Boston as head of its West Coast office located in Los Angeles, GE Capital Real Estate, SunAmerica Investments and CBRE as an investment analyst. Mr. Zytko is a graduate of Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. Mr. Zytko is a past Chair of the Commercial Real Estate Finance Council and is actively involved in Urban Land Institute, Stanford Real Estate Council and Fisher Center UC Berkeley.