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  • Preferred Name: Rob

    Last Name: Lowe Jr.

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('88)

    Job Title: Co-CEO

    Company Name: Lowe

    Phone: 310 - 571-4265


    Bio: Robert J. Lowe, Jr., is co-CEO of Lowe, a national real estate investment, development and management firm formed in 1972. Over the past 50 years, Lowe has developed, acquired, or managed more than $32B of real estate assets nationwide as it pursued its mission to build value in real estate by creating innovative, lasting environments that connect people and place. Lowe is responsible for more than $4.3B of commercial, hospitality and residential assets and has more than $2B in commercial real estate projects in the pipeline or under development. Rob is an active member of Urban Land Institute, an Advisory Board Member of the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate, past Chairman of the YPO hospitality network, past Trustee and President of the Palisades Presbyterian Church, and on the Board of Managers at the Palisades-Malibu YMCA. Rob was honored by the City of Hope with the 2019 Spirit of Life Award. He is an avid surfer and enjoys travel with his family. Rob received his BA from Stanford and his MBA from UCLA.