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  • Preferred Name: Fred

    Last Name: Allen

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('61)

    Job Title: Founder Emeritus

    Company Name: Allen Matkins

    Phone: 213 - 622-5555


    Bio: Fred is one of the premier real estate and finance attorneys in America. He is the Founder Emeritus of Allen Matkins, a full-service business and litigation law firm with 225 attorneys in five offices in California. For 45 years, he has been counsel to many of the nation's most prominent development and investment companies in connection with hundreds of successful major projects in California, Hawaii, throughout the country, Asia and the Pacific Rim. He is active in Urban Land Institute (ULI), Real Estate Roundtable in Washington D.C., and Board of Overseers of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. After Stanford, Fred was a Naval Officer aboard an aircraft carrier before attending law school at UC Hastings.