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  • Preferred Name: Dan

    Last Name: Neidich

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '74)

    Job Title: CEO

    Company Name: Dune Real Estate Partners

    Phone: 212 - 301-8320


    Bio: Dan Neidich is founder and chief executive officer of Dune Real Estate Partners LP. Dune manages real estate private equity funds with over $4.3 billion of equity capital under management. The funds target opportunistic investments in the United States and Europe. Prior to founding Dune, Dan was at Goldman Sachs where he was a member of the Management Committee, co-head of the Merchant Banking Division, and Chairman of the Whitehall Investment Committee. Dan joined Goldman Sachs in 1978, became a partner in 1984 and became head of Goldman's Real Estate Department in 1990. In 1992, he formed the Real Estate Principal Investment Area, in 1998 he became co-head of the Merchant Banking Division, and in 1999 he joined the firm's Management Committee. He received an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business and a BA from Yale University.