Preferred Name: Ralph
Last Name: Rosenberg
Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '90)
Job Title: Global Head of KKR Real Estate
Company Name: KKR & Co. L.P.
Phone: 212 - 301-1337
Bio: Mr. Rosenberg joined KKR in 2011 and is Global Head of KKR's Real Estate Platform. Prior to KKR, he was a partner at Eton Park Capital Management and managed his own firm, R6 Capital Management, which later merged into Eton Park. Previously, he was a partner at Goldman Sachs. He is a member of the AFIRE Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of KKR Real Estate Finance Trust, of the Board of KKR Real Estate Select Trust, and U.S. Trustee of the Urban Land Institute. Formerly, he was Chair of the ULI Investment Committee and Global Trustee, a Governor of the ULI Foundation, Chair of the Board of the Pension Real Estate Association, Board Member of the PREA Foundation, Trustee of the Stanford GSB Trust and Trustee and Vice-Chair of the Board of the Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, NY. He is an Emeriti Member of the Brown University Corporation and an Honorary Trustee of the Francis W. Parker School in Chicago. He graduated magna cum laude from Brown and holds an MBA from Stanford GSB.
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