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  • Preferred Name: Peter

    Last Name: Ciganik

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '07)

    Job Title: Partner, Head of Capital Markets

    Company Name: GTIS Partners

    Phone: 212 - 220-5224


    Bio: Mr. Ciganik is a Partner and Head of Capital Markets at GTIS. In addition, Mr. Ciganik is responsible for GTIS’ macro and investment research, global strategy and new business development and is a member of the General Partner’s U.S. Funds Investment Committees. Mr. Ciganik’s experience in the real estate industry began in 2002. Prior to joining GTIS in 2007, Mr. Ciganik worked with Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds (MSREF) in London and with Lehman Brothers Real Estate Partners (LBREP) in New York. In his prior engagements, Mr. Ciganik was responsible for the evaluation, financial modeling and due diligence of equity and mezzanine debt investments, participating in acquisitions of over $800M of individual and portfolio assets. Before joining LBREP, Mr. Ciganik worked with Lehman’s Corporate Strategy and Acquisitions group, and as a Business Analyst with McKinsey & Co. in Frankfurt and New York. Mr. Ciganik graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard College and received an MBA from Stanford.