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  • Preferred Name: Brian

    Last Name: Patterson

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '89)

    Job Title: Founder

    Company Name: White Star Real Estate, Katalyst Education

    Phone: 713 - 427-2023


    Bio: Brian founded White Star Real Estate (WSRE) in 1997, a leading developer and property asset manager in Europe. He has led the development of over 70 properties in 11 countries in Europe including office, logistics, residential, retail, hotels and mixed use. Brian's entrepreneurial activities reach beyond the development field. He co-founded Archive Management Solutions, a leading provider of digital and physical record management solutions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) that was sold to Iron Mountain. In 2009, Brian founded a successful energy distribution company, Plus Energia, in Poland. Recently, he founded White Star Ventures which invests in early-stage ventures in a variety of industries in the USA and CEE. Brian also founded Katalyst Education which creates digital education products. To address the desperate need for education content, the latest foundation is Pi-Station Ukraine which is creating complete library of tutorial videos and problems sets for each lesson in the Ukraine curriculum.