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  • Preferred Name: Josh

    Last Name: Dapice

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('98)

    Job Title: Partner

    Company Name: Farallon Capital Management LLC

    Phone: 415 - 730-6520


    Bio: Josh Dapice joined Farallon Capital Management in 2003 and is a Partner in the Real Estate group, with responsibility for acquisitions, repositionings, financings and dispositions of various assets within Farallon's real estate portfolio. Farallon is a global institutional asset management firm, founded in 1986, which manages equity capital for institutions, including college endowments, charitable foundations and pension plans, and for high net worth individuals. Prior to joining Farallon, Josh worked in the real estate investment banking group at Lazard Freres & Co. LLC. He graduated with an AB in Economics from Stanford University and has served on the Board of Directors of USA Triathlon.