Preferred Name: Lydia
Last Name: Tan
Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '91)
Job Title: Principal
Company Name: Tan Consulting
Phone: 415 - 407-2388
Bio: Ms. Tan is a real estate professional with a portfolio focused on high impact development and public-private partnerships, involving more than $6B in mixed income, mixed-use and affordable housing communities. Her consulting practice includes working with land owners, agencies, developers and operators on their real estate development and finance needs. She also is Chief Real Estate Officer for the Oakland Roots, a professional soccer team based in Oakland. Prior roles include Managing Director, Real Estate for Oakland A’s, and Head of U.S. Development at Bentall Kennedy. Prior to that she launched the Northern California office for Related California, and spent 15 years as EVP in charge of Real Estate Development and Finance at BRIDGE Housing Corporation. She serves on the boards of the SF Housing Accelerator Fund, SPUR, the S.H. Cowell Foundation, and Thoits Brothers Inc. She is a member of the Stanford Real Estate Council and Urban Land Institute. She holds a BA from UC Berkeley and MBA from Stanford.
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