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  • Preferred Name: Leshya

    Last Name: Wig

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '10)

    Job Title: Lead Partner/Managing Director

    Company Name: Wig Properties

    Phone: 425 - 941-8889


    Bio: Leshya is the lead partner at Wig Properties and leads financing, acquisitions, leasing, the development of mixed use and retail projects, and the company’s hotel portfolio. Ms. Wig has worked in real estate development for over 17 years at companies including Colliers International, IDS Real Estate Group, and Blake Hunt Ventures. Ms. Wig is currently focused on the development of millions of square feet of land for mixed use projects. Ms. Wig holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor of Arts in economics and psychology from Claremont McKenna College.