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  • Preferred Name: Ben

    Last Name: Rowe

    Degree String (Type, Year): (MBA '04)

    Job Title: Managing Partner

    Company Name: KHP Capital Partners

    Phone: 415 - 298-5585


    Bio: Ben Rowe is a Managing Partner of KHP Capital Partners (KHP), a real estate private equity firm with a focus on value-add opportunities in the lifestyle hotel space. Ben co-founded KHP in 2015 to continue the fund management business that the KHP team had been running within Kimpton for over a decade. KHP has since grown to nearly $1 billion of AUM with hotel investments across major U.S. cities and leisure destinations. Previously, Ben served as CFO of Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, and he has also held positions as the CFO of a restaurant company and an investment banker at Salomon Smith Barney. Ben holds a B.S. with Distinction from Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, where he majored in hospitality finance. He also holds an M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Ben is a member of the AHLA Hospitality Investment Roundtable, the Advisory Board of the Center for Real Estate & Finance at Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration, and the Stanford Real Estate Council.