• Preferred Name: Deland

    Last Name: Chan

    Degree String (Type, Year): ('07, MA '07)

    Job Title: Researcher

    Company Name: Stanford University

    Bio: Deland Chan is an educator, researcher, and urban planner. Her work aims to bridge the fields of urban studies, sustainability transitions, and human-centered design to understand urbanization pathways and cities as the future home to over two-thirds of humanity. She believes in working across disciplines to find common ground and share expertise. As Director of Community Engaged Learning in the Program on Urban Studies at Stanford, Deland has designed and taught project-based classes including Sustainable Cities and International Urbanization, where students collaborate with NGOs and government agencies on sustainability projects. In 2014, she co-founded the Stanford Human Cities Initiative to create an interdisciplinary community of urban scholars and practitioners. She serves as an academic adviser for Urban Studies majors in the Urban Sustainability concentration and is active in mentoring First-Gen and/or Low-Income students. Prior to Stanford, Deland worked as a Senior Planner at a community devel